For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. —Romans 15:4

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kindness in the New Year

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

It's that time of year when the excitement of Christmas is rolled up and put away. I have mixed feeling about the week after Christmas. Being off work with a few days to do whatever I want makes me happy. But my heart breaks a little that Christmas is over. Although it took months to prepare for, I love this time of year. In the next week or so, I'll pack away the Christmas tree and decorations. The stores will pull out their Valentine items and maybe even Easter. I'll go back to work and life will be "normal" again.

Even though much of the holidays will be tucked away. I hope a few things continue. Christmas time brings out the kindness and thoughtfulness in people. Dare I say the magic of Christmas sprinkles over people and makes them more aware of helping others, perhaps. But I truly believe people recognize the reason for the season. No one on this earth showed kindness the way Jesus did. He healed the hurting, gave to the needy, and shared with his friends and family. Jesus showed more compassion than anyone. So much so, he gave his life for sinners like me. Whether we want to believe this or not, Christmas draws attention to the kind of man Jesus lived as. He gave kindness and compassion, forgiveness, and hope. So no, kindness and compassion don't grow from magic. Instead they spread because of Jesus. So while we put away Christmas, let's keep the spirit of kindness out and pour it over the people around us. In 2018, share kindness and compassion as part of the everyday. Love God, love people.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Wonder and Celebration!

Luke 2:11
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

Celebration and wonder. Two words I think of at Christmas.

I tend to wonder if all the celebration I generate glorifies Jesus. This year, I started in September. Since I create some of my gifts by hand, I have to get an early start. I make my lists, I search for bargains (we have a big family!) and I wrap. For two days, I wrap. The tree sparkles in the corner (thanks to Maggie) and the manger scenes are scattered around the house.  I make fudge, cookie dough, pizza dip, cheeseball, and cranberry cake. And oh yes, a birthday cake for Jesus. I clean my housecompany's coming. The cards are in the mail and the Facebook greetings are posted. Did I miss something? Probably.

So much celebration for a tiny King.

Are you exhausted after reading my Christmas to do list? I am. Until I remember why I overextend myself this time of year. Jesus walked on earth for me. He came as a baby, grew into a man, then sacrificed his life for my sin. He did all of that for me and for you. What I do to honor his birth is minuscule compared to what he has done for me.
The hustle and bustle can be overwhelming. But for me, every cookie I bake, package I wrap, gift I buy reminds me of Jesus and his love for me. Yes I can get caught up in the chaos and forget the reason for the season. But I've learnedand it's taken yearsto stop, even for a moment and think about why I celebrate my Savior's birth as I do. I want to  let the pure intention of showing Jesus to the world shine through my traditions. I want everyone to know how much Jesus loves them.

 Jesus is why I celebrate Christmas, I want to let that be known in all I do.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas filled with joy, peace, hope, and wonder!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

A Season of Hope

Matthew 12:21
And Jesus name will be the hope of all the world.

Christmas is a time of joy, but it can also be a season of sadness. This past week we lost two wonderful men. My uncle Floyd and our dear friend, John, left this earth.
I'll always remember my Uncle Floyd's ornery smile. He never failed to ask me, when I was a teenager, if I had a boyfriend yet. He embarrassed me, but I loved him anyway. I'm thankful that years later he got to know my husband, Tim. Even more important, he grew to know Jesus.

We met John and his wife Jessica at church. One of the first things we knew about John was how much he loved his family and his Savior, Jesus. John suffered with physical pain for years, but it didn't stop him from serving at the church and giving his all to the people he loved.

Knowing these men loved God fills my heart with hope. I've no doubt Jesus has opened his arms to them. Because Jesus came to earth as a precious baby, lived a life sharing his story of faith, and died on the cross to be raised back to life—we have HOPE. Floyd and John's families and friends anticipate seeing them again in heaven. That's a hope that blesses us here on earth.

If this holiday season is a time of sadness, believe that hope in Jesus soothes the soul. Jesus loves us and desires his children to trust in him. I pray he has all the folks who are hurting wrapped in his arms of hope.

With Jesus, hope shines through the darkness of despair.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

True Peace

Luke 2:14
“Glory to God in highest heaven,
    and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

Micah 5:5
   And he will be the source of peace.

When I was a teenager, I looked forward to hearing my brother, Darryl, sing the song Let There be Peace on Earth. He was part of a quartet who echoed the beautiful words each Christmas. In the lyrics, the songwriters penned "let it [peace] begin with me." I took that to heart and have since sought out how to be a peaceful person. One who calms conflict and eases anxiety. Even though I seek peace, I'm not always at peace. The world is so full of noise and distraction, I sometimes have to close my eyes and block out everything to pray for peace in my heart.

Thankfully, I don't rely on myself to discover the peace that passes understanding. I just ask Jesus. He is the true peace. In Luke 2:14 a heavenly host of angels announced to the shepherds, minding their own business tending sheep, that a babe was born in a manger who will save the world. First of all, if a bunch of angels showed up and started talking to me, I'd be scared witless. So I'm guessing the shepherds felt the same way. From what I read in Luke 2:14, God had an inkling of how the shepherds would react because he bestowed his peace on them. He was pleased with them and didn't want them to be afraid. That's how God is, he is the giver of peace. Through Jesus he sent the Prince of Peace who gives understanding and calm in the midst of stress.

I love the words of Casting Crown's I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.  Click the link and give a listen, let the peace of Jesus pour over you. I pray for peace this Christmas season. Internal peace and peace in this world. Please pray with me.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Joy Sparks Joy

Matthew 2:10
When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! 

I just finished reading Blessed are the Misfits by Brant Hansen, Star radio DJ. In the book he poses the question, "Can a person have depression and joy at the same time?" That got me to thinking, can we invite joy into our hearts during the holidays, no matter the circumstances? Can I be joyful during the holidays even when... 

I'm a single parent and, by America's standards, I can't buy what my children want...

I've lost a loved one who won't be here to wish a Merry Christmas...

I'm a high school student who has no close friends...

I'm a college student struggling to balance work and school...

I'm a parent rushing from activity to activity just trying to get it all done...

I'm a soldier, out of the country, with no hope of being home for the holidays...

I'm just overwhelmed with all the preparation of Christmas...

I haven't experienced all of these scenarios, but I've had my share of struggles during the holidays. Circumstances that could have stolen every speck of joy from my heart. Yet, God shined on me through his people and his word. I found if I could muster one little spark of joy in my heart, the fire would burn and spark delight in my soul. The wise men found joy when they saw the star and realized Jesus was nearby. He is for us too. Jesus is here. He has the joy we desire. Not happiness that's fleeting, but joy that underlies all circumstances. Even when everything seems difficult or frustrating, Jesus' joy is like a buoy that helps me through the tough times.

Have you ever been around someone filled with joy. Their joy sparks joy in others. Let's set the world on fire with JOY!

I hope this Christmas is filled with joy for you. But if not, I challenge you to ask God for joy. Jesus gives the true joy of the season.